
How to read Comic Books Panels?

Reading Comic Books Panels or to be more specific the order in which this panels go can be confusing at first and can cause a bit of frustration in beginners. It important that you don't let this stop you from reading, with time you will get used to it and eventually you will not need to pay attention to the order of the panels.

It not easy to explain the order in words but it actually is like reading a book, the panels are always going to be read from left to right and from the top to the end of the page.

In this image you can see how do you read in order the panels:

There are more complex types of order for the panels but this are some basics. If you get confuse here is my advice to you, use the context and the images of the story to know which panel is next. See you next time to talk about all things comics.

How to get started in Superhero comics? Part #1.

Superhero comics books are fascinating, enjoyable and interesting readings for all types of audience but the world of superheroes is more complex than you think, you can't just buy a any comic for start because trust me you will get confuses, is like watching a movie from the middle or the last part you won't be able to understand completely what is happening, you need to have some previous knowledge. Because of this I will teach you how you can get started in this world. 

You need to choose what type of Comic Book editorial you want to read:

The only editorials that are able to distribute Superheroes comics are Marvel and DC, you have to choose one of those for start, I am no saying that you have to choose one of this two and never read the other one but is better that you only read one at first. It's important that you began to distinguish what characters are from DC and what characters are from Marvel and which one you like the most. Ones you do this you have to began thinking which editorial attract you the most, you can use movies or web pages to make a decision but i recommend that you base your decisions in the characters that you like the most.

Pick a character:

This is maybe the more important part, you have to choose one of the billions of characters that exist, i recommend you to choose a Superhero or and Anti Hero because you will be able to have more material to read but if you choose a Supervillain is okay (make sure to choose a famous one like The Joker). Why can i only one choose character? Well, this is the part when i explain that, choosing one will make you able to focus all your attention to that character and develop a time line that give you the possibility to know we're you are. In my case I was to young to know that when I start reading Marvel but with DC was different and because of that I choose Batman, the history of Batman is one of the best historys to start reading DC comics because it gives you a clear time line and the origin of amazing characters like Red Robin, Red Hood, Batgirl, Nightwing. I am able to ubicate in any part of the history of DC universe because of this amazing character.

Always start from the first issue:

Like i say before you can't just buy any comic book, you need to start from the first issues otherwise you will not understand completely the story. Superhero comic book have a particular characteristics and that is they after a few years or decades they restart their universe and tell again the origins of each of their characters with a few modifications in his history. This give you and advantages and is that you can read easily the most recent origin of the character and the rest of his history. Marvel recently restart his universe with the event of Secret War and DC a few years ago restart his universe after the Flashpoint.

This is all for today and i will see you next time with the other part of the guide.